It did not make sense then!
And what I’ve realised is that God doesn’t come down by himself in front of us with a board saying "Hi. I'm God. Can I help you?" and with a marching beat playing in the background!
As Paolo Coelho says in 'The Alchemist', "Once you desire something strongly enough, the whole universe conspires to help you achieve it!” Only recently have I started understanding it!
You know what, even nature talks to us! In fact, it hollers at the top of its voice whenever you have need of it!
Last week, I was wondering about how long do we keep trying to finish something which is not getting done. Like everyone, I have a few things in life, which I’ve never been able to actually finish, though I’ve been trying for a long long time.
As every day, I was sitting on the beach and was gazing at the waves, when it suddenly struck me that the Sea was shouting-out-loud "Look at me - I don't give up! Each second, I try again, again and yet again, creating new waves continuously- and I will continue to do so till the end of time!"
Recently, we were at Burra Caves in Araku Valley and there was this stream of water - a thin trickle actually - that has been flowing incessantly for millions of years, eating the stone up and forming all those unimaginable shapes on stalactites and stalagmites! It never gave up!!!
And then, for the first time, I saw a picture at home which said, "In the confrontation between the rock and the stream, the stream always wins in the end - not through strength, but through sheer consistency!"
What was surprising is that the picture has been around for a long long time, but I never noticed it!!!
This happens ever so often - The solution is staring at you in the face, but you never get to notice it till the time comes. What we mean by "till time comes" is till we actually want the solution badly enough!!!
Be it a financial problem, a personal problem or a philosophical problem.
The next time something bothers me, I’m gonna sit on the beach again!!!