Chetan Bhagat started it.
And when he did it, he would not have imagined that he was opening a can of kiddie writers! Suddenly bookstores became full of Bhagat wannabes, and the surprising thing is that the trend is far from being over! When J K Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series, there were a lot of clones which came up and some of them were successful. Similarly, when Stephanie Meyer wrote the Twilight series, a lot of other writers came up with vampire-based plots, but they seldom sold. These books and writers usually fade away, and the funny thing is that most of thee books are published by non-mainstream publishing houses.
However, with Indian writing, there is a new trend happening - and it is constantly growing! While at our local bookstore, there was this huge pile of books on topics ranging from Love at IIT to Friendship at IIM, and everything in between (and beyond)! What was common to all these books was the cartoonish pictures on their covers and their strange (and often raunchy titles). What surprises me is that there are people buying these - obviously! While the other clones of popular novels have been published by obscure publishers, most of these young Indian fiction books are published by leading publications!
Is it because the young generation (read as about 60% of the Indian population) is experiencing an awakening in reading interest? Or is it because there are people who are willing to write for free (which again is obvious), and publishers are confident that the printing cost will anyway be recovered by sales generated through the new means of Social Networking? Either way, there is one positive from it - people seem to be reading!

Young Fiction is today so popular that we have the world's best writers looking this way - like John Grisham and his new book - Theodore Boone - specifically targeted towards the young audience. While the book is not much of a bestseller, it is surely an indication of things to come.
Coming back to the Indian youth writing scene, the writers are getting younger each day! Last week there was this book on display, which was supposedly written by a student of class 8 in a school from Delhi! What's next? A Kindergarten student's 'life-changing experience' of his first day at school? Most of these books won't sell the first print, and will never ever see the second print. Most of these writers won't ever write a book again! But the positive outcome seems that even this trash is getting a few people to read - and once they begin reading, there is no looking back!
Talk about the silver lining!