There is a visibly significant change in the level of privacy that people nowadays are maintaining, and the surprising thing is, it is not only the Gen-Y. Everyone!
Like with people's Net presence. With social networking websites like Orkut, it seems like everyone knows everything about everyone else!!!!
And no none is complaining! Not only on Orkut, on their Yahoo avatars, with Google chat photos, with 360 pages, with blogs, with personal websites, even with personal videos on hosters like google video and youtube! It seems like this is the Zamana to lead visible lives. I'm not saying public lives. Simply because seldom can you stumble across someone's private blog, unless the whole day is just spent clicking! It would be like the proverbial needle in a haystack! Of course, some of us choose to make their online life public, that's ok too i guess!
In fact, because of these, relationships have become better between people! Past Introverts are now ultra-extroverted! that's probably good in more ways than one!
With financial freedom coming to people at a ever decreasing age, personal freedom too is on the cards, and as we said earlier, no one's complaining!
As i was saying in the first sentence, A lot of these publicized lives are not of youngsters only. More and more adults are joining the bandwagon now!
Another misconception that only those with time to waste go online also is being shaken off, as networking websites now boast of more and more very successful people!
Like, today when i was checking mail, there came an Ad on Yahoo saying President Kalam asked a question on Yahoo Answers, will you be the one to give the best answer??
I logged on and saw that really our President himself asked this question, "how can we free India of terrorism" and the answerers included Kiran Bedi, Leander Paes, Sri Sri Ravishankarji etc!!! WOW!!
As the nation grows old together, the concept of age seems obsolete! In friends lists of people, you can find kids and also their grandparents. Even ex-crushes and present ones- for everyone to see!!
And the topics talked about range from Moksha to Mars to Mulligatawny to Motorazr!!
Look at the community / interest list of any one active online and you'll see what i'm talking about! The world is becoming a more and more exciting place to be with all this transparency!
And this is making everyone more busy! That's a good thing as being busy leaves no time to think unproductive thoughts!
Cheers to everything and everyone!!!!