Google not only invents new applications, but also acquires the most promising ones in the cyber-world! It is thru this aggressive acquiring that they got Blogger, Google Docs etc etc!
The latest is a fabulous piece of software called Grand Central!
This Grand Central is One Phone number which is linked to all our phones. For those of us who have multiple phone numbers (which is most of the people in this world) and can't afford to miss home calls when at office and vice versa, Grand Central is your solution to link all the phones you have!
When we register with Grand Central (currently available only in the USA, but shortly expected to come the world over), we can choose a number which becomes ours for life. Then, proceed to link all your phones to it, When someone calls our Grand Central number, all the phones linked to it will ring!!! It means, if you've registered your home, office, and mobile phones, all 3 will ring! You can pick up whichever is close to you!! And you also get a Voice Mail account with this number! Sounds good? Read more on the Official Google Blog
Official Google Blog: All aboard
And Wait for it to be launched in our country!!
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